RSS reader oriented to gossip magazines and news. Feeds of gossip and celebrities preselected.
Enjoy your favourite magazines of celebrities on your mobile or tablet.
Recommend us other feeds to add! Share your favorite news!
Wait for the first story to download and then try "left slide" (swipe) for easy browse.
In this RSS reader we use the RSS feeds of many blogs and an online sites about gossip and celebrities. When you click on the name of a blog, are charged the summaries of the latest posts via RSS feed. Headers, and sometimes a few lines short, are displayed in a list and when you click on an item in the list shows the summary provided by the RSS.
From here you can go to the original article on the web site, displayed in the standard browser of Android.
Copyright: news headlines and their extracts shown in this application are obtained through the RSS feeds that the websites provide freely for use on aggregators like this application. We considere that their mere existence on the websites of magazines and blogs is a license to use and an invitation to its use by news aggregators.
If the owners or administrators of any of these web sites want that your RSS feed is not used in this application, please send an email to the contact email listed here.
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">RSS阅读器面向八卦杂志和新闻。八卦和名人的饲料预选。
在这个RSS阅读器,我们使用的许多博客的RSS feed和八卦和名人的在线网站。当你点击一个博客的名称,都通过RSS订阅费的最新文章的摘要。头,有时几行简短,都显示在列表中,当你点击列表中的一个项目显示了RSS提供的摘要。
如果任何这些网站的拥有者或管理者希望您的RSS提要是不是在这方面的应用,请发邮件到这里列出的联系人的电子邮件。</div> <div class="show-more-end">